Employee Conduct and Discipline

Code Of Conduct

Staff members should bear in mind that they are professional staff and should conduct themselves accordingly. The Trust's function is to offer service, and its reputation largely depends therefore on the behavior of the representatives who perform that service. neatness, propriety of dress, personal grooming, habits and manners all contribute to the impression made, and staff members are expected to be presentable.


The management attaches considerable importance to punctuality. For the efficient conduct of the office, it is essential, that all staff should be ready to commence work at 09:00 am. This rule should be strictly observed, except when otherwise instructed by the immediate supervisor.

If staff member is absent on account of illness or emergency, he/she must inform immediate respective supervisor by telephone before 10:00am.

Head of department must notify the HR department by no later than 10:30 am in any case of absence on account of emergency/illness.

Grace Period:

  • There will be extra 15 minutes' grace period granted, to all employees before marking them late. For example, 9:15am.
  • HOD's have a grace period of 30 minutes, however they must complete the working hours in a month.

  • Preparation of the clinic:

    The clinical stations should be ready before the patient influx starts i.e. 09:00am

    Closing the Clinic:

    The CS is responsible for the following tasks before the clinic is closed for the day:

  • Clinic is cleaned
  • Each staff has locked away the instruments they are responsible.
  • All electrical points are switched off except for the refrigerator.
  • The ware house and pharmacy areas are locked.

  • Dress Code:

  • Employees are expected to dress in formal attire during the week, they can dress smart casual only on Saturdays on the basis of no client meeting.
  • The Trust observes professional standard of attire, and staff members are expected to uphold these standards.

  • Head Office Staff

    Monday-Friday Formal wear: Smart Casual - Men: Smart Casual like Collar T-shirts, Jeans, properly Ironed Shalwar Kameez. women: Smart causal, dresses out of decency is not acceptable
    Saturdays: Pant and Shirt with closed shoes, properly ironed shalwar kameez.
    Employee Card: During working hours it should be visible and secured to the clothing so that it is not dangling.

    Clinical Staff Male

    Dress: Kameez shalwar or formal dress pants & shirt. Jeans, shorts Bermuda and T-shirts are strictly not permissible.
    Footwear: Dress shoe or joggers. open toe shoes are not allowed.

    Clinic Staff Female

    Dress: Kameez shalwar with a dupatta. Jeans and T-shirts are strictly not permissible.
    Footwear: Closed toe shoes. Heels of one-inch height allowed. Open toe shoes are not allowed

    Janitorial Staff Male

    Dress: Kameez shalwar or cotton pants shirt. Jeans, shorts / Bermuda and T-shirts are strictly not permissible.
    Footwear: Joggers or crocs. No open toe shoes allowed

    Janitorial Staff Female

    Dress: Kameez Shalwar with dupatta / Jeans and T-shirts are strictly not permissible.
    Footwear: Joggers or crocs. No open toe shoes allowed
    Footwear: Joggers or crocs. No open toe shoes allowed
    Personal Hygiene: Good personal hygiene must be maintained as follows:
    Hair: Hair must be kept tidy and clean. Long hair must be tied up while working with patients.
    Body Odor: Staff should not have any foul smell on them, subtle fragrances can be used.
    Jewelry: No dangling jewelry earrings, bracelets, rings or watches are allowed at any station.

    Fingernail hygiene

  • Employees need to keep their fingernails clean.
  • The use of artificial nails, nail extensions and gel nails is prohibited.
  • Nail should be kept short & clean to the extent that they must not be visible over the fingertips when looking at the palms of the hand.
  • The use of colorless and colored nail polish and nail jewelry is prohibited.

  • Use of Mobile Phones

  • The use of mobile phones during duty hours is strictly forbidden.
  • The staff has to submit their mobile phones with the CS.
  • The staff can share the official numbers with their families for emergency reasons.
  • The CS has to keep the official number on and with him/her at all times.

  • Work Place Basics

    Security and Safety:

  • Activities related to security shall be controlled by the manager administration with the help of clinic supervisor who will administer the organizational policies. The security staff(Watchman)are empowered to check staff, patients and visitors at the time of arrival or departure and shall require objectionable material to be deposited with them at the gate. Security staff(watchman) shall also be responsible for preventing unauthorized persons from trespassing on organization premises. Procedure of the gate pass will be followed.
  • If any material/equipment needs to be taken away from the premises, the same process shall be followed (please refer to asset equipment sop) The material or equipment shall be issued to the staff with the approval of the respective head of department.
  • The security of all resources of the Trust, whether in the form of equipment or documents, shall be the responsibility of the staff member entrusted with their possession.
  • Before leaving the premises, each staff member must ensure that all electrical equipment in his / her use or control is switched off and unplugged, his / her desk and file cabinets containing files and other documents are locked up. All lights and other electrical fixtures around his / her working area should be switched off, and the premises secured in their area of work, specifically for those staff who are last to leave the premises are also required to ensure all lights and other electrical fixtures at the whole premises are switched off (except for items which require maintenance of temperature for e.g. refrigeration or servers).
  • Staff is responsible for the security of any equipment or documents that are carried out of the office premises for any duration of time.

  • Equal Opportunity Employer: The Trust is an equal opportunity employer that offers employment to the most suitable candidate on merit regardless of religion, color, creed, ethnicity or gender, however gender specific positions such as males for peons, this exclusion of a gender from contention does not constitute a violation of the equal opportunity rule.

    Private Correspondence: Private correspondence should not be sent to the office and staff member should take necessary steps to ensure that this does not occur.

    Change Of Address: Change of address and other Particulars: Staff members must notify in writing to HR Department along with their immediate supervisor of any change of address, telephone number and other personal particulars relevant to their employment, so that HR can update their database accordingly.

    Behavior: The Trust expects employees to behave in a dignified and courteous manner at all times. The reputation of the Trust depends to a large extent upon the manner in which employees conduct themselves.

    Gifts: Employees must not accept any favors, gifts or inducements, including undue hospitality and entertainment from clients, vendors, representative of companies or businesses wishing to sell their products or services to the Trust in any form or currency (cash). The only exceptions are of a promotional nature (diaries, calendars, etc.) not exceeding Rs. 200/-

    Note: An employee should report immediately to the head of the department and HR if they witness anyone receiving or accepting inducements or any kind of extraordinary gifts.

    Flexi Hours: The concept of flexi hours is to compensate staff for working late or putting in extra hours, a minimum of 3 hours, whereby such staff may be occasionally allowed to arrive late for work or leave early. This must be documented on email to the HR Department; it will be the responsibility of the head of department to maintain a check on the actual time spent at work. In case of any delinquency after an initial warning an appropriate deduction shall be made from the monthly salary depending on the recommendation of supervisor. The head of the department shall be responsible to ensure the flexi hour is not being misused.

    Overtime: Overtime is only to be given to staff members in the administrative and support categories following written approval by the concerned supervisor and the COO/ CEO

    In the event of any confusion in the interpretation of any of the clauses or contents of policies, the matter shall be referred to the HR, COO/CEO if required for adjudication, whose interpretation shall be final and binding.

    Conflict of Interest

    It is defined as an actual or perceived interest by all employees in an action that results in, or has the appearance of resulting in, personal, organizational or professional gain. Officers and members are obligated to always act in the best interest of the organization. This obligation requires that any officer or member, in the performance of organization duties, seek only the continuance of the organization mission. Employees are prohibited from using job title or the organizations name or property, for private benefit.

  • The officers and members of the organization should neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors/vendors. This is not intended to preclude bona-fide organization fund raising activities.
  • No officer, or member of the organization shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a purchase or contract with a vendor where, to his knowledge, any of the following has a financial interest in that purchase or contract:
  • The officer or member;
  • Any member of their immediate family;
  • An organization in which any of the above is an officer, director or employee;
  • A person or organization with whom any of the above individuals is negotiating or has an arrangement concerning prospective employment.
  • Disclosure: any possible conflict of interest shall be disclosed by the person or persons concerned.
  • Record of Conflict: The official minutes shall reflect that the conflict of interest was disclosed and the interested person(s) did not participate in the final discussion or vote / did not vote on the matter.

  • Authority & Interpretation:

    This policy is issued by the Department of Human Resources Management pursuant to the authority provided. The Department of Human Resources Management is responsible for official interpretation of this policy. Questions regarding the application of this policy should be directed to the office of the Department of Human Resource Management. The Department of Human Resource Management reserves the right to revise or eliminate this policy as necessary.