Leave Policy

Leave Management:

Leave Policy is a set of rules, procedures and guidelines established by the Trust for the leaves and attendance management of staff members during the course of employment within the defined parameters as below.

Types Full Time Part Time
Annual 14 9
Casual Leave 10 6
Sick Leave 8 5
Maternity Leave 100 50
Paternity Leave 2 2
Hajj Leave 40 20
Umrah Leave 20 10
Bereavement Leave 3 3
Iddat Leave 130 130
Education Leave 3 3
Religious Leaves for Non-Muslims 3 3

Annual Leave:

This leave can be availed when the employee is going for planned leaves for more than 3 days.


Employee is responsible to forward the leave application to the HR department with prior approval from the Head of the Department. Managers are responsible for considering and balancing operational and individual needs when planning for and/or approving leave.


  • The un-availed annual leave may be en-cashed, after the employee has completed one year of service, or it can be adjusted against the notice period in cases where the employee has tendered his/her resignation if liable. If any employee leaves before completing 1 year, the calculation will be made as per pro rata basis.
  • 1-year leaves equivalent to 14 days are saved for security
  • Casual Leave:

    Employees who wish to avail Casual leave must inform their respective Line Managers of their intent. Leave form must be submitted to the HR department of any leave taken.

  • An employee can avail upto three days’ casual leave at one time.
  • Casual leaves can be taken on the basis on family emergencies, law and order situation or personal work. This leave cannot be en-cashed or accumulated.

  • Sick Leave:

    Employees falling sick are required to give immediate verbal intimation to their Line Manager on the day their absence begins. Employees should inform of any extension to their medical leave via email/text message he/she will be away from work. Leave application must be submitted immediately on resuming office.

  • This leave cannot be en-cashed.

  • Notification
  • Leave taken for more than 3 days under this entitlement shall be supported with a doctor’s certificate along with approved leave application.
  • In cases of prolonged illness (more than 1 week) employee is required to intimate their Departmental Head of the current medical status every week for verbal sanction. In such cases staff will be required to submit formal application supported by medical certificates immediately on resuming office.

  • Return to Work After Serious Injury or Illness:

    Based on the nature of injury or illness, employee will be required to submit a medical report, which should indicate his/her physical fitness. Furthermore, if the employee is on probation then it will be dealt on a case-to-case basis.


    In severe emergencies or casualty’s employee can avail leaves more than the limit of sick leave which would be accommodated from other leave balances such as casual & annual leaves if not employee will face deduction from salary.

    Special Leaves Entitlements:

  • Bereavement leave:

    Three days leaves with pay shall be granted on the death of an employee’s (direct relative. (father, mother, wife, husband, child and siblings.)

  • Iddat leaves:

    Employees shall be eligible for Iddat leaves up to 130 calendar days paid leave. Where the employee is asked to come to work and perform her duties and leaves timely that she can reach her residence before maghrib. *is applicable to the ladies on the child bearing age.

  • Hajj / Ummrah:

    This can be availed upon one year of successful completion of service with SINA. If availed before one year, it will be considered as leave without pay. Leaves can be availed for 40 days for Hajj leaves and 20 days for Ummrah (that will be consolidated from the annual and casual leave quota) This leave will be granted once during service with SINA.

  • Education leaves:

    This leave can be availed upon successful completion of probation, upto 3 days can be utilized in a year.

  • Religious Leave for Non-Muslims:

    3 days leave with pay per year shall be granted to Non-Muslim employees. Employees are required to apply for this leave one - two weeks prior to their occasions mentioned below:

  • Religion Festival Tentative
    New year Christians 01 January
    Good Friday, Easter April
    Christmas December
    Navroze Agha Khani - Ismaili’s 21 March
    Immat Day 11 July
    Birthday of Imam 13 December
    Holi Hindu March
    Diwali October / November

    Paternity Leave:

    The male employees shall be granted leave to cover a specified period of 2 days.

    Gazette Holidays:

    SINA observes all public holiday approved by the Federal Government of Pakistan.

    Termination on without information leaves:

    This is the responsibility of the employee to inform all types of leaves to the immediate supervisor and HR department. If the employee fails to attend duty for more than 3 working days, he / she will be given reprimand and if failure to respond or no show for 10 working days he/she can be terminated with immediate effect without any further notice or condition.

    Submission of Leaves:

    All leaves are to be submitted on the ESS portal that as per mentioned below:

  • Casual leave (next day/same day)
  • Sick Leave (as soon as resumed duty – if more than 3 days doctors’ certificate should be attached)
  • Annual Leave: in advance
  • Leaves should be applied within 7 days of the leave taken.
  • No leave form in hard copy will be accepted

  • Authority & Interpretation:

    This policy is issued by the Department of Human Resources Management pursuant to the authority provided. The Department of Human Resources Management is responsible for official interpretation of this policy. Questions regarding the application of this policy should be directed to the office of the Department of Human Resource Management. The Department of Human Resource Management reserves the right to revise or eliminate this policy as necessary.