Maternity Benefits & Leaves

Maternity Leave:

The female employees shall be granted leave to cover a specified period of time during pregnancy and child birth.


  • This leave can be availed after confirmation and should complete one year in SINA from the date of joining. If availed before confirmation, it will be considered as leave without pay.
  • 2 pregnancies will be allowed over a period of five years where gap in between reflects 18 months of full time employment or 12 months of part time employment at SINA
  • Up to 2 children per employee will be covered under the Health Insurance policy.
  • Children will no longer be covered by the policy when they reach the age of 18 years.
  • Full time employees will be entitled for 100 days (all inclusive of holidays, public holidays etc), whereas the part time employees will be entitled for 50 days as per SINA policy.
  • Miscarriage: In case of miscarriage, there shall be a 1-week of paid leave.
  • Still-born: In case of still-born, there shall be paid leave of 3-weeks.
  • Premature delivery: There shall be a paid leave of 12-weeks in case of a premature delivery, leave shall commence since the day of the birth of premature neonate. 2 ADDITIONAL weeks can be availed on unpaid leave basis.
  • Any other medical complication: In case of any other medical complication, in which case the life of a mother or her unborn may be at risk, shall be paid leave for 2-weeks BUT this will be evaluated by a SINA panel prior to approval.
  • Employees may continue to discharge their duties up to the day their maternity leave begins. Employee must apply for maternity leave at least 8 weeks in advance.
  • SINA is obligated to pay the employee under maternity leave same amount of salary.
  • Employee if extending the leave period as above then shall be treated as leave without pay for the said duration.
  • SINA is not obligated to keep the position vacant if employee does not return to post within 2 weeks of the ending of the pregnancy leave. Individual cases will be evaluated separately for extension by exception
  • Authority & Interpretation:

    This policy is issued by the Department of Human Resources Management pursuant to the authority provided. The Department of Human Resources Management is responsible for official interpretation of this policy. Questions regarding the application of this policy should be directed to the office of the Department of Human Resource Management. The Department of Human Resource Management reserves the right to revise or eliminate this policy as necessary.